Sunday 11 November 2012

Still querying

Well, it turns out that seeking an agent ism, for me, a combination of fear-driven procrastination, avoidance and sporadic work.  And it is work.  It id going through lists upon lists, making judgement calls based on websites, recommendations and warning form other authors of notice boards.  Finally, one is left with a refined (?) list of agents to send the stuff to.  Then the varying submission guidelines, the selection of text for those that want you to select rather than submitting the first three chapters and then the emails or posting hard copy.  I must say, I do prefer posting hard copy.  Something more inky and tactile and old-world about sending a submission by snail mail.

 The challenge, for me, is to not being doing anything creative in this time - but using my "writing time" for hunt-and-peck research.  I have small projects to tide me over and got another idea for a novel the other day (yay), but I really want to sink my teeth into my next novel.  However, I have promised myself that I will not start until I have submitted "Valen" to the big bad wolf infested publishing world.  If I launched into the new one, the hard work of querying would never be done.

It is not exciting.  It is not even pretty.  But it must be done.  And will be done.

What I have learned in my infancy regarding this process, is:

1. Do not trust agents that charge a reading fee.
2. Text only websites or email only contact scream amateurism and are a big warning sign
3. Agents that are an umbrella contact for lots og agents worry me
4. As do agents that use too much flash or fancy web footwork, but have no list of authors.
5. I need to trust my instinct in this search.

I am sure I have more to learn.  Much more.  But if "Valen" is the fire through which I am to be tempered, then burn , bay burn!