Monday 24 September 2012

Dipping a toe in the Big Publishing Pond

As many of my friends know, I am a writer.  Part of the reason I moved from Dublin to Kerry was in order to get the headspace to commit to writing. I read Stephen King's "On Writing" at the correct time for it to influence me in a positive way and I finished my first novella and my first two novels using it's model of 1,000 words a night.  I took weekends off for sanity and to spend some time with J.

And now that I have the confidence to embark upon my third novel, and have had some positive feedback from readers who I deemed would be objective and critical, I think I might see what the publishing world would say.

Thus I am querying.

With huge thanks from Paul Anthony Shortt (check out his blog for new of his first published novel  "Locked Within" being launched on 6th November in Hughes & Hughes, Dundrum  Paul has waded throguh the quagmire of querying and has not only blazed a trail, but guided me through the pitfalls and provided me with enthusiasm and tools to combat the fear of this exposure.

Now, I am not of of these "auteurs" who believes in the sanctity of his work.  I want to get published.  Hell, I am crass enough to say that I want to make money writing, enough (as the dream is) to be able to write full time.  To this end, the initial text is mine, but thereafter becomes a collaboration by editors and publishing houses to polish into a retail-able gem - or at least passable cut glass. 

So my blog is born and I shall keep what readers tune in apprised and appraised of my journey, my thought, mt trials and tribulations about embarking on the wild ocean to seek the shores of publication.  I will try to keep the minutiae of my life from this and dedicate it to this journey, if only to create a record of the wrong turns I will take and the happy fortune I hope to have.

Thank you for reading



  1. Thanks for the shout-out Colm! Wishing you all the best with your querying.

  2. Hey, Colm, good luck with it! You might find Jay Kristoff's blog interesting - - he's a mate of mine over here who has recently been published for the first time and he blogged a lot of useful info on the process.

  3. Much happy fortune to you sir! I'm sure all the hard work will pay off in the end.

  4. So what are you going to write?

  5. Best of luck Colm - I'd be curious to read your stuff.
